You need a brand

that beams out YOU.

Because you’re not like everyone else.

And you deserve better than cookie-cutter graphics.

Because truthfully – your tired DIY brand looks about as appealing as yesterday’s sandwich.

(Or maybe it looks like it was mashed together by a 12yo who’s had too much sugar?)


Your business has grown, developed,
and transformed into the thing you knew it was always going to be

and your old branding just doesn’t cut it anymore.

If you don’t like it, how on earth do expect your audience to fall in love with the real you?


Whatever the reason, you’re here because it’s time to step up.
And step up BIG.

You help move your clients from a place of dissatisfaction and doubt
to one of joy and calm.

Your work is transformational – and your brand needs to reflect that.

Your brand needs to feel confident, proud, beautiful, brilliant – and even radiant.

There comes a time when you need to ditch using the same old Canva templates everyone else is using.

(And don’t get me started on jumping into the latest trend, or using “designers” with a  signature style –
because even though it’s pretty, that’s not infusing YOU into anything –
you’ll just end up looking like a pack of other people).

No copycats here.
It’s time to shine.

(and attract better-paying customers.)

What can I do for your business?

Here’s some projects I’ve worked on recently:

What level of help do you need?

Start where you are.

You’re in the early stages of your business, and you know what you do makes a difference.

But you’re struggling to pinpoint what your brand is about, and you have no idea how to choose colours and fonts that WORK.

Let’s get together for a 60-minute 1:1 and we’ll talk through your target market, your brand, and your vision for the future. And you’ll walk away with clarity, knowledge, AND a 1-page Brand Style Guide with all your colours, fonts, and brand keywords.

Create a brand that’s perfect for you right now; show up consistently with the right energy, and you become magnetic to the right people.

Go next level.

You’ve been in business for a year or two, and you’ve refined exactly what it is that your clients need, and how you help them. And you’re clear on how you want to work with them.

It’s time you shone.

Get beyond DIY. You know that investing in your branding will reward you handsomely. You’ll love how your brand looks so you share it widely, and often. You’ll be instantly recognisable so you’re top of mind always.

Your vision is so clear – it’ll beam out of you like a beacon.

Go beyond.

You’ve got a darn good idea of what’s what in your business. You’re clear on your target market, and you’re clear on what you do.

But you’ve gone deeper into your vision of what’s possible – much deeper – and your current branding feels like a shadow of what you do.

It’s time to remake your brand into one that radiates light from your core.

And because you’ve been in business for more than 5 minutes, you have branded collateral all over the place – your website, your social media, your opt-ins, your booking system, your email provider, your powerpoints, your ebooks… it’s a LOT.

This VIP Brand Renewal package will not only create the exact brand you need, we’ll also help you transition from your existing brand and implement the new branding, right across all your digital assets for you.

for startups

Start where you are.

Branding for Startups

Solid brand basics

NB: This is NOT just for startups!!
It’s also perfect if you’re in the growth stage of business and want to review your existing brand and strategy.

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What's included:

If you’ve got some branding in place and just want to tighten it up – this package is for you too.

We start with a 60-minute session to talk through your target market and your business. During the session, we’ll choose colours and fonts to suit your business and what your audience is looking for, and create a wordmark for you to use as a logo.

  • 60-minute session 1:1
  • Colours, fonts, chosen
  • Wordmark created to use as a simple logo, and supplied to you as vector and .png files
  • 1-page handy reference guide to using your brand new brand!


Branding for Startups $250AUD

Branding for Startups


Invest in your business, and reap the rewards

Beautiful Brand

Go next level.

Beautiful Brand package

Full branding service – style guide, custom logo and assets pack

This is a deep dive into what makes your business tick and design a brand that beams out exactly who you are.

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What's included:

The 60-minute interview is just the beginning.

This is a deep dive into your business and your target market, where we investigate what makes it all tick. I use my intuitive observations while we talk to both guide the conversation and also extract even more information about you, beyond the verbal.

From those initial observations, I create your branding, piece by piece.

The package includes:

  • 60-minute interview
  • mood board
  • brand keywords, colours, fonts, image style
  • custom logo
  • The full Brand Style Guide reference document
  • a starter pack of branded graphics for created for you in Canva (such as those used for social media) – so you can start posting straight away!

I care about the results. This is why there are up to two rounds of draft and review to give the final designs for each stage (mood board, brand style guide, and logo)

Brand Style Guide & Logo package – $1950
(payment plan available)

Beautiful Brand package

Invest via payment plan – 4 x $490AUD/month.

Luxe Brand

Go beyond.

Luxe Digital

VIP brand renewal & implementation

For when you need your brand reinvented, and done-for-you  implementation across all your key assets.

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What's included:

What’s included:

The Luxe Digital includes everything in the Beautiful Brand package, plus:

  • rebrand/rebuild your WordPress website
  • WordPress VIP maintenance and tech support for 12 months
  • generous social media packs – banners, avatars, and post templates for Facebook, Instagram, Youtube, LinkedIn – wherever you are
  • rebranded ebooks, Powerpoint templates, etc. – any graphics you need over the next 12 months up to a maximum of 20 hours of my time.

VIP Brand Renewal $4697
(payment plan available)

VIP Brand Renewal

Invest via payment plan – 5 x $950AUD/month.

Not sure which level is right for you?

Or simply email me:

Don’t delay.

Spots fill fast – I’ve got an ever-increasing list of long-term customers and their lovely referrals. So if you think it’s time for you to move your branding from the so-so to the sublime, do it now.

What do people say about working with me?

“The time you took early on to really understand me, my business & what we stand for certainly paid off – you totally nailed it!! I highly recommend your services.” – Nicole Anderson, Systems To Scale

“The most wonderfully creative and attentive designer!” – Alexandra Horvath, Moving Stillness

“Julie was able to tap into me with such kindness, understanding and depth of knowledge, and then somehow present everything I felt… I cannot recommend Julie highly enough.” – Fran Weir, Capital Bookkeeping, Financials & Business


Where can I see more examples of your work?

I’m planning a dedicated Branding portfolio page shortly!

In the meantime, you can have a look at my website portfolio page which includes many examples of my branding – in action – so you can get a good sense of the breadth of my work, and how I really bring out your vision.

I just want a simple logo - do you do that?

No I don’t.

Branding goes WAY beyond a little fancy icon.

While I absolutely adore a great logo (design is my first love, of course!), for me, it is the culmination of great foundations – understanding who your target market is, what kind of energy you want to put out in the world, your personal likes/dislikes -which are translated into brand keywords, colours, fonts, and image style. THEN after all that is clear, only then is the logo distilled from all that information into a succinct representation of all that your brand stands for. I work this way because I see your brand as a holistic entity that fully represents you, and ALL of it needs to connect with your audience.

If you’re in the beginning stages of your business and want to test the waters and/or don’t have a lot of spare cash,, then start with the 60-minute 1:1 Single Session – you’ll walk away with a much clearer idea of your target market, as well as a solid brand style guide to get you started.

What sorts of businesses do you work with?

I adore working with women in creative and holistic businesses. But I’m just as happy working with engineers, winemakers, personal trainers, and a whole bunch more – have a look at my website portfolio page to get a feel for what I can do.

How long does the Brand Review take?

The Brand Review consists of a 1:1 session for 60 minutes where we talk through your target market, choose some colours and fonts, and create a simple wordmark.

Then in the next 2-3 days, I’ll provide you with all of that information collated into a simple 1-page reference guide, as well as your wordmark in both .png and .svg formats, which will suit the vast majority of situations you’ll need it.

You walk away with a much clearer idea of your target market, and some solid branding to make you stand out!

How long does the Brand Style Guide & Logo package take?
This depends on many factors and is therefore quite variable – eg. how many reviews/tweaks you provide me with, how quickly you get back to me when I send you designs for review, etc.

Generally, I would estimate 4-6 weeks; however if you have a pressing deadline (eg. a special launch date), let me know and we’ll sort it.

How long does the Luxe VIP package take?

You’ve got me for 12 months! I’ll be your personal designer for any graphics or website task within that 12 months. AND you get VIP priority with quick turnaround for all your tasks.

The actual rebrand – creating the refreshed or entirely new brand (ie. the creation of all your visual components – mood board, colours, fonts, image style, logo) – will depend on several factors, but is usually finished within 4-6 weeks. This allows for a deep dive into your business and target market, as well as time for draft and review to ensure the brand is exactly what you envision.

To refresh your existing collateral (eg. ebooks, website, powerpoint presentation) will depend on exactly what needs to be done; we can discuss this in more depth when we talk.

Are there any extra costs involved?

Your Brand Style Guide and Logo package has just about everything included that you might need to get you started, including a starter pack of templates for your social media!

I always try to choose free or low-cost fonts and stock photography wherever possible; occasionally you may need to purchase a commercial license to use these items within your branding – usually less than $20.

I've paid my 1st instalment - when do we start?
A payment of 50% of the total is required to start any branding project, with the balance payable before delivery, or we can arrange the remainder in milestone payments if you wish.
What's your refund policy?

I always endeavour to provide graphic and web design services that meet and exceed your expectations! So I don’t often get requests for refunds.

But sometimes people’s circumstances change and they can’t continue and a refund is necessary.

Every project requires a 50% commencement payment in order to start work, and generally once I’ve started the research and design, the commencement payment is non-refundable. If we’re more than halfway through the project, any refund will be proportional to the work we’ve done.

I do assess each and every request for any refunds on a case-by-case basis to ensure the result is fair to us both.

Got a different question that’s not mentioned here? Get in touch.

Email me – – or book in a chat.


a world where your vision is radiating out of you like light.

And your exact right people are drawn to you because of it, and they love you for it.

Need to see the full Terms and Conditions for working with me?
Download them HERE.