Ad hoc pack
Need some expert tech help with your site? Or some expert graphics for your social media? Or a little bit of help with everything??
Grab a pack of ad hoc time with me – we can use it for any graphics or tech support you have in your business. WordPress, mailing list providers, booking scheduler systems, and more. Or, we can create some beautiful, on-brand graphics – PDF documents, social media, PowerPoint presentations – whatever you need.
If you’re not sure what I can help you with – just ask!
Need specific tech help with your site?
Or is it alllll-the-things that’s giving you headaches? eg. you need a new graphic for your social media, something’s gone glitchy on your site and you can’t figure it out, you need someone to show you how to add new photos or products to your back end…OR you simply don’t have the time to do it yourself.
Ad hoc time with me is your answer!
This is a block of time you purchase from me to use as and when you wish, with a 12-month expiry. I keep a timesheet for you, and the time I’ve used is noted down and accumulated on that timesheet. When you’re close to running out of support time, I’ll contact you and let you know how much is left on your sheet, and what you can do next if you wish to continue.
The support covers a variety of activities including:
- 1:1 Zoom calls as hands-on learning sessions. You’re welcome to record these sessions so you have them as future reference
- Graphic design services (e.g. creating/altering images or headers or other graphics tasks)
- Tech support and troubleshooting on your site
- Edits to your site, or adding in blog posts and formatting
- Zoom calls to discuss any website or design issues associated with your site
This support is a 10-hour block; if you need more hours than this, get in touch and we can sort it.